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Alan Durk
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Jerry, 57, Munich
“We were at the edge of divorce when I decided to try this. Years and years without delight of orgasm and sexual satisfaction. This could ruin any life but not ours. Viagra worked and I always keep the pill near my bed as nobody knows when my wife asks ...
Stephen Smith
When I placed an order for my granddad I gave his address and my phone and it took a bit longer to deliver the products because they phoned me and my granddaddy to check everything and I was nervous because of it. I understand that they work like this ...

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New graves mark lost generation in drugs-ravaged Scottish town
In just a year and a half, at least eight victims of drug misuse have been buried in Oban's Pennyfuir cemetery.
'My eye was saved by a placenta after acid attack'
Newcastle doctors use donated tissue to help save Paul Laskey's eyesight.
Cancer patients not getting right treatment, say doctors
Experts highlight particular problems with prostate, kidney and colon cancer in England and Wales.
'I discovered my fat build-up condition after a Love Islander had it'
Emma found out she had a little-known condition and "wasn't obese" after watching a reality show.