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Plan B (Levonorgestrel)
Plan B
Levonorgestrel is a hormone used to prevent pregnancy. It is taken just after the intercourse, if no contraceptive methods were used during it, or the used method was not reliable.
Seleccionar Doses: 1,5mg
Plan B $77.00
$8.00 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
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salvar: $0.00
Plan B $92.00
$6.42 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $18.96
Plan B $125.00
$5.78 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $39.96
Plan B $149.00
$5.17 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $67.92
Plan B $168.00
$4.67 por pílula
+ Seguro da remessa do pacote
+ Próximas compras com desconto 10%
Adicionar ao carrinho
salvar: $99.90
Package Example
Seu pedido será embalado de forma segura e protegida e será enviado dentro de 24 horas. É exactamente assim que o seu pacote será (fotos de um envio real). Ele tem o tamanho e a aparência de uma carta pessoal comum (9,4x4,3x0,3 polegadas ou 24x11x0,7cm) e ele não revela o seu conteúdo
Prazo de entrega
Entrega 14-21 Dias 10$ Rastreio# disponível em 4 Dias
Serviço standard aéreo gratuito em todas as encomendas com valores superiors a $200
Entrega 5-9 Dias 30$ Rastreio# disponível em 2 Dias
Serviços restreável gratuito em todas as encomendas com valores superiors a $300
Envio para todo o mundo Anonimato e sigilo garantidos
Seguro e protegido Discreet looking packages
Pedidos enviados dentro de 24 horas 100% de sucesso nas entregas
Testemunhos Descrição Do Produto
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Common use

Levonorgestrel is a hormone used as a contraception medication it is similar to progesterone and is its racemic isomer (norgestrel), which is twice more potent. The drug changes condition of cervical mucus and uterine lining and hampers movement of sperm cells to the uterus and attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterus. Levonorgestrel is administered to prevent pregnancy within 72 hours after the intercourse, if no contraceptive methods were used during it, or the used method was not reliable.

Dosage and direction

Take the medication orally. Take two tablets this way: the first tablet is taken as soon as possible after the intercourse (not later than within 72 hours); the second tablet should be taken in 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after the first tablet. If you had vomiting within three hours after intake of any tablet, take one more tablet. Levonorgestrel tablet of 0.75 mg may be taken on any day of your menses only if your previous period was normal. After emergency treatment with Levonorgestrel local barrier methods of contraception should be used (e.g. a condom).


Recurrent use of Levonorgestrel during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to possible disorders of the period. The medication does not substitute regular contraception medication and should be used only in case of emergency. Emergency medication sometimes fails to prevent pregnancy. This medication excretes to the breast milk. Take the pills after breastfeeding to decrease negative effects on your baby and avoid breastfeeding after the treatment. Inform your doctor if you have a bleeding or blood-clotting disorder, diabetes, a vaginal infection, a sexually transmitted disease, pelvic infection, heart disease, high blood pressure, or a heart valve disorder.


Do not take Levonorgestrel if you are pregnant because the medication does not end the pregnancy which has already occurred. The medication cannot be used in patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding, untreated or uncontrolled pelvic infection, serious pelvic infection following a pregnancy or abortion within the past 3 months, uterine fibroid tumors, history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), past or present breast cancer, liver disease or liver tumor, cervical or uterine cancer; a recent abnormal Pap smear, decreased immunity (leukemia, AIDS, IV drug abuse).

Side effects

The most frequent adverse reactions of Levonorgestrel include nausea, irregular pap smear bleeding, delay of menses for more than 7 days, dizziness, headache, a pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, tension of the mammary glands, fatigue.

Drug interaction

Simultaneous use of the drugs, which induce liver enzymes accelerates metabolism of Levonorgestrel. These drugs may reduce the effectiveness of Levonorgestrel: barbiturates, including primidon, phenytoin and carbamazepine and drugs that contain St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), rifampicin, ritonavir, rifabutin, griseofulvin. Drugs that contain Levonorgestrel may increase toxicity of cyclosporine.

Missed dose

Missed dose is not supposed as this medication is taken when needed.


Vomiting and bleeding are possible. Contact your doctor if you suspect overdose.


Store at room temperature between 20-25 C (68-77 F). Store away from moisture, heat, and sunlight. It is not recommended to store in a bathroom and places available for children.


We provide only general information about medications which does not cover all directions, possible drug integrations, or precautions. Information at the site cannot be used for self-treatment and self-diagnosis. Any specific instructions for a particular patient should be agreed with your health care adviser or doctor in charge of the case. We disclaim reliability of this information and mistakes it could contain. We are not responsible for any direct, indirect, special or other indirect damage as a result of any use of the information on this site and also for consequences of self-treatment.
David, Bridlington
“Não queria confessar a minha falha sexual e problemas de intimidade. Mas depois de o tomar, o meu pénis parece um martelo e a minha mulher nunca mais teve razões de queixa. Ficámos clientes e agora compro-o com desconto.”
Geoffrey Stidworthy, EAST MELBOURNE, Austrália
Desculpe. Eu não sabia que os itens foram enviados separadamente. Ontem eu recebi o segundo envelope. Obrigado pela sua ajuda e suporte. Tenha um ótimo dia.
Austin, 64, Áustria
“Uau, não me sentia assim desde quando era novo! Só quando era estudante conseguia fazer sexo desta maneira e ter múltiplas ereções em pouco tempo… só depois de tomar este comprimido mágico. O Viagra é realmente um feito para o homem que já esteve presente ...
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