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Stephen Smith
When I placed an order for my granddad I gave his address and my phone and it took a bit longer to deliver the products because they phoned me and my granddaddy to check everything and I was nervous because of it. I understand that they work like this ...
Mike, Chicago
I prefer to call when I have questions but to use online chat is also helpful. I have already purchased goods on-line from other companies but was scared to buy drugs. Who knows what they can put in the parcel? When my package arrived I could not understand ...
Elliot, 53, Tennessee
“I just turned 53 young, not so old, huh, and have been suffering from erectile dysfunction for more than 8 years. Different techniques and medications did not help me or were useful just for a while and then the problem returned. Only with Cialis I could ...

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Clive Myrie: What I saw during my 24 hours at a London hospital
As part of the BBC's special report, Clive Myrie meets the people at the Royal Free Hospital relying on the NHS for care.
UK men and women can expect to live longer, data show
Boys born in the UK in 2023 can expect to live on average to 86.7 years, and girls to 90, experts suggest.
Surgeon suspended after children hurt by treatment
An NHS chief exec apologises "unreservedly to our patients and their families".
Call for parents to be able to use loyalty card points to buy baby milk
Parents should be able to use vouchers, the regulator says, but restrictions on discounts should remain.